Bezhetsk located in north-eastern
part of Tvepckoy oblacti and yavlyaetcya administpativnym
tsentrom Bezhetskogo payona. Tvepckaya oblact rpacpolozhena
in tsentpe Voctochno-Evpopeyckoy pavniny. Bezhetsk
adminictpativny tsentp Bezhetsk payona Tvepckoy oblacti.
Pacpolozhen 126 kilometpax From Tvepi. Bezhetsk naxoditcya
nA zheleznodopozhnoy branch Conkovo - Bologoe. Chiclennoct
naceleniya coctavlyaet chelovek 25 000 (2010 Year).
The name is Bezhetsk From bezh - bezhentsy, fugitives.
According to legend, the village was founded by refugees
Bezhichi of Novgorod. Its area is 84,000 square meters. km,
population - 1.5 million people. The region comprises 36
districts, 21 towns, 32 urban villages. The administrative
center - the city of Tver, important cities: Rzhev Vyshny
Volochok, Bezhetsk, Torzhok Staritsa, Nelidovo, Ostashkov,
Konakovo, Kimpy, Kpshin. Region was formed January 29, 1935
and until 1990 was called Kalinin. Tver Region is part of
the Central federal district. From south to north through
the city flows the river Mologa, taking in the city one of
the largest of its tributaries - the River Ostrechinu.
Bezhetsk located 120 kilometers from the regional center,
the railway network is connected with St. Petersburg, Moscow,
Yaroslavl, Samara, and road transport - to Moscow, Tver,
Vologda, Yaroslavl. Bezhetsk territory of the district is
2810 square meters. km, the city Bezhetska - 17 square
meters. km. Administrative Bezhetskiy area is divided into
24 rural districts and includes 404 settlements. The
population of the district on January 1, 2004 amounted to
43.5 thousand of them live in the city 28.6 thousand people.
Bezhetsk first mentioned in the Novgorod Chronicle in 1137
as a center Bezhetsk Top - Parish of Novgorod the Great,
although archaeological evidence suggests that ancient
Bezhetsk originated much earlier. Until 1766 the city was
called Gorodetsky.
In 1766, by decree of Catherine II, renamed Bezhetsk
Gorodetsky, who becomes the center of the county. Coat of
arms of the city, approved in 1780, depicted at the bottom
of a bush of raspberries in a silver box. This delicious
berry very abundant in the neighborhood. But she testified,
and the traces of fire and desolation.
Eight and a half centuries of history lead us in times of
epics, handwritten letters and chronicles. Wealth and a
comfortable position on trade routes in the region attracted
merchants, artisans and merchants. Not once ravaged
Bezhetskiy top of the XIII century the Lithuanians and the
Tartars. But most of all he got from the Russian princes.
Two centuries Bezhetsk been a bone of contention between
Novgorod, Tver and Moscow. Repeatedly burned the grand dukes
and ravaged with unprecedented cruelty flourishing region.
However, like in a fairy tale, from the ashes every time the
city was reborn to new life.
From the middle of the XVIII century commerce has become the
main occupation bezhechan. Established strong links with
Yaroslavl, Rybinsk, Uglich, Kostroma, Ustyuzhna, Kashino,
Novgorod, St. Petersburg and other cities in central Russia.
And decades later, it was not Bezhetsk know - it has grown
significantly, landscaped, prettier. And now preserved in
whole blocks of houses, whose venerable age has long crossed
the centenarians. Two-story merchant houses like boasting to
each other involution building, with carved wooden
decorations of the walls and windows. And in between
boulders dominate at home
Transfiguration Church
wealthy merchants and industrialists.
Transfiguration tserkovOdin only house
Brothers Nevorotinyh can outshine its pretentiousness palace
decoration of any metropolitan grandees. By the end of the
XIX century Bezhetsk becoming one of the largest centers in
Russia linen trade. England, Belgium, Germany, France, Italy
knew Bezhetskiy flax. Million revolutions bezhetskim allowed
merchants to not only decorate their own houses, but also
donate money to build schools, hospitals and other
charitable purposes. The city was decorated with white walls
and golden domes of the churches. By 1917 there were about
20 Bezhetske churches and chapels. The most beautiful of
them were destroyed in the 20's and 30's. Ill time did not
spare the monuments antiquity. In the heat of fires and wars,
died wooden temples, princely palaces, old, and was
dismantled in the XVIII century city Kremlin.