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O Sandovo
O Sonkovo
- a town in the Tver region,
the regional center. Located on the right bank of the Volga
(Uglich Reservoir). The population is about Kalyazin 14,000
Everyone who comes in Kalyazin or swims on the Volga by,
certainly draws attention to shpileobraznuyu bell tower. At
71 meter it appears from the water. In the old days were
told that this tower - the tallest on the Volga.
In 1937, flying from Moscow over the North Pole to America,
the crew radioed VPTckalov: "We pass Kalyazin. We see a
water tower surrounded."
The history of this monument of Russian architecture follows.
In the XII century in its place was an ancient settlement of
Novgorod, and later at the monastery Nicola Zhabne. Hence I
originated Kalyazin, named after the nobleman Kalyaggi,
ceded some of its lands the monastery.
In 1238, Nicola was burned on Zhabne Tatar-Mongols. After
recovering, he repeatedly and vehemently again. Around the
walls, archaeologists have found jewelry, coins and weapons
related to the XIV, XV and XVI centuries.
In 1694, in the central part of the Volga embankment,
Kalyagin appeared stone cathedral, and then the current
tower. Buildings stood until 1937 in connection with the
construction of the navigable channel of the Moscow and
partial flooding of the city council was dismantled, and the
bell tower is left as an architectural monument. There is
speculation that the designer of this masterpiece is the
renowned architect of the XVIII century B. Delamott.
In 1466 ie, performing the famous "walking the three seas",
in Kalyazin stayed Athanasius Nikitin. The local museum is
devoted to the traveler Tver special stand.
In 1533, 1544 and 1553's. in Kalyazin been Ivan the Terrible.
In the same museum has a rare manuscript books XV-XVI ve ¬
Cove. Among them - the Gospel, a gift from the Terrible
Kalyazin monastery.
In early July 1856 in Kalyazin lived Ostrovsky. The
playwright is known, was traveling along the Volga to study
the life and customs of the population.
With Kalyazina associated name and other prominent Russian
writer - Ivan Krylov. When the future fabulist was nine, his
father died. It happened in 1778 in Tver. Boy as a son of
the chairman of Tver provincial magistrate wrote to the
service as podkantselyarista Kalyazinsky in county court.
This is according to the documents. But was there in person
Krylov, his bibliographers doubt. Here, for example, it says
in the book Pavlova about Russian writers who lived or been
to Tver land: "There is hardly a boy of nine actually
serving in Kalyazin. Most likely, he was listed there" for
years of service. "
Perhaps because it was in fact: in 1782, Krylov released
from service in the Tver town hall (and not in Kalyazin
County Court) in connection with the move to St. Petersburg.
Attractions Kalyazin: already mentioned above the bell tower,
cloister (ensemble XVI - XVII century), museum, monument
Kalyazin Macarius.
O Vesegonske
O Kalyazine
O Cashine
O Kesova Mountain
O Red Hill