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O Sandovo
O Sonkovo
- Small town, the
administrative center Maksatihinskogo District, Tver Region.
Located on the River Mologa, between the rivers flowing into
it and Volchin Rivitsa, 117 km north of Tver. The population
is 9,1 thousand people.
Maksatikha first mentioned in 1545 as repairs Maksyatiha.
The name "Maksatikha" is probably the Karelian origin.
It is known that in 1772 the village belonged to Maksatikha
Rybinsk district Bezhetsk County and belonged to the
landlord Mel'nitskii. Urban-type settlement status - since
Attractions Maksatikha: All Saints Church (Church of Christ)
- was built in 1827, local history museum, a monument to VI
Lenin, Nicholas Terebenskaya desert song "Obelisk of Glory."
May 19, 1978 near the crash occurred Maksatikha Tu-154
aircraft, which followed on the route Baku - Leningrad. The
plane made an emergency landing in the village of Hop on a
potato field. 4 people died in 127. Commission of Inquiry
into the accident called the main reason for the error a
flight engineer who have disabled automatic transfer of fuel
supply tank, which led in turn to stop the engine.
O Vesegonske
O Kalyazine
O Cashine
O Kesova Mountain
O Red Hill